Our Team

In 2021, We, the team from the AKAR Family, who work daily with the parents community, have heard many stories about the worries and desires of mothers to make a change for a better future for their children. However, they need to figure out where to begin. So, we have put together a program to move forward based on education from the curriculum framework we implemented in each unit under the AKAR Family. Since then, PERI BUMI has continued to run and move swiftly with the same goal: to save children's futures.


Make big changes

“ Improve monitoring and restoration of environmental quality according to the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the environment in the context of environmental preservation “

Yasmina hasni

Founder at Peri Bumi

Our Great People

Yasmina Hasni

Yasmina Hasni

Concept and Module Team

Astri Prasidhawardhani

Astri Prasidhawardhani

Program Implementation Supervisor

Pradana Elvan

Pradana Elvan

Project Manager

Rima P. Lestari

Rima P. Lestari

Community Manager

Winda Uzy

Winda Uzy

Community Administrator

Nadi Akbar

Nadi Akbar

Strategy Manager




Zaki Khudzaifi Mahmud

Zaki Khudzaifi Mahmud

Concept and Module Team

Rizka Putri

Rizka Putri


Indri Novitasari

Indri Novitasari
