The Series of Workshops

After successfully passing the selection stage, the ambassadors are expected to participate in the workshop series Peri Bumi organized. Following that, they are expected to develop concepts and plans and then implement them in projects that solve the issues in their respective regions. These projects also serve as a way to encourage more people to join and engage in the 10R behaviors.

Therefore, the most crucial aspect in selecting ambassadors for these three main programs is identifying individuals who fall into the category of primary beneficiaries already in category 1 (SARI) for ambassadors and category 2 (IBU BUMI) for facilitators. This is to ensure they can be agents of change, both for fellow Main and Secondary categories.

Therefore, the classes that we are organizing are:

our program Ibu Asaka
Ibu Asaka

Hence every Ibu ASAKA Ambassador immediately started her mission to educate her surroundings on parenting and environment.

See Program
our program Kapten Kepik
Kapten Kepik

Hence every Ibu ASAKA Ambassador immediately started her mission to educate her surroundings on parenting and environment.

See Program
our program Salina

Hence every Ibu ASAKA Ambassador immediately started her mission to educate her surroundings on parenting and environment.

See Program
our program Prasama

Hence every Ibu ASAKA Ambassador immediately started her mission to educate her surroundings on parenting and environment.

See Program
our program Peri Project
Peri Project

Hence every Ibu ASAKA Ambassador immediately started her mission to educate her surroundings on parenting and environment.

See Program